
A Budget represents a gift card or budget that customers may use as a payment method for orders.


IdintThe ID of the budget.
AccountIdintThe ID of the Liftoff account that the budget belongs to. (Note: This account ID will always correspond to the account code you use in your authentication credentials.)
Account (via $expand)AccountThe Liftoff account that the budget belongs to.
CreateDatedatetimeoffsetThe date the budget was created.
CodestringThe code for the budget. Must be unique across all budgets for the account.
IsDeletedbooleanFlag that indicates whether the budget has been deleted. (Note: Once deleted, a budget may not be updated.)
Balancedecimal(18,2)The current balance of the budget.
StartDatedateOptional. The earliest date the budget may be applied.
ExpiresDatedateOptional. The latest date the budget may be applied. If not specified, the budget does not expire.
CustomerIdintOptional. The ID of the customer assigned to the budget. If not specified, the budget may be used by any customer.
ApplyAutomaticallybooleanFlag that indicates whether the budget should be applied automatically at checkout. If this flag is not set, the customer must manually enter the budget code.
AllowClaimingbooleanFlag that indicates whether a budget that is not assigned to a customer will be mapped to the first customer who applies the budget. If this flag is not set, the budget will remain available to any customer with the code.
DescriptionstringThe description of the budget that is displayed to customers.
CategoryIdintOptional. The ID of the category whose products the budget may be applied to.
ProductIdintOptional. The ID of the product the budget may be applied to.
ProductVariantFieldCodestringOptional. Only product variants with the specified ProductVariantFieldValue for the specified ProductVariantFieldCode qualify for the budget.
ProductVariantFieldValuestringOptional. Only product variants with the specified ProductVariantFieldValue for the specified ProductVariantFieldCode qualify for the budget.
CustomerFieldCodestringOptional. Only customers with the specified CustomerFieldValue for the specified CustomerFieldCode may use the budget.
CustomerFieldValuestringOptional. Only customers with the specified CustomerFieldValue for the specified CustomerFieldCode may use the budget.
BudgetTransactions (via $expand)BudgetTransaction arrayThe collection of transactions that have been issued for the budget.