Making Liftoff OData API requests

In order to make Liftoff OData API requests from your code, you will need to provide your Basic Auth credentials in an Authorization header with your API request. Follow these steps to generate the value for this header:

  1. Concatenate your username (your account code), a colon, and your password (your API key); e.g.:
  2. Base64-encode the resulting string; e.g.:
  3. Prepend "Basic " to the base64-encoded value; e.g.:
    Basic bXlhY2NvdW50OjJjZGU0MjM1LTg0ZGMtNGNiMi1hYzE0LTFhZjEzNDI1M2ZlNQ==

In the above example, the final Authorization header would be:

Authorization: Basic bXlhY2NvdW50OjJjZGU0MjM1LTg0ZGMtNGNiMi1hYzE0LTFhZjEzNDI1M2ZlNQ==