A Category represents a product categorization in your Liftoff account. Products are displayed to customers within categories.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | int | The ID of the category. |
AccountId | int | The ID of the Liftoff account that the category belongs to. (Note: This account ID will always correspond to the account code you use in your authentication credentials.) |
Account (via $expand) | Account | The Liftoff account that the category belongs to. |
Name | string | The name of the category. Displayed in category listings. |
Description | string | A brief description of the category. Displayed in category listings. |
IsPublished | boolean | Flag that indicates whether the category is active in your Liftoff account. |
ParentCategoryId | int | The ID of the category's parent category. A value of 0 indicates the category is a top-level category and has no parent. |
ImageFilename | string | The filename of the category's image. Displayed in category listings. |
UrlPath | string | The URL path for the category's landing page. The URL path does not include https://, your domain name, or a leading slash. |
Title | string | The title of the category's landing page. |
PageText | string | The HTML that appears in the content area of your category's landing page. |
MetaDescription | string | Content for the category landing page's meta description tag. This is an optional value for SEO purposes. Maximum length is 250 characters, but most search engines truncate this value to 150-160 characters. |
MetaKeywords | string | Content for the category landing page's meta keywords tag. This is an optional value for SEO purposes. Place a comma between each keyword. |
Sequence | int | The display sequence of this category relative to other categories with the same ParentCategoryId value. |
SubcategoryDisplay | SubcategoryDisplay | Valid values are Grid and Dropdown. Specifies how subcategories within this category are displayed on the category landing page. |
SelectionAction | SelectionAction | Valid values are Redirect and Append. Specifies whether a selected subcategory is displayed on its own page (Redirect) or on the original category's landing page (Append). |
ProductDisplay | ProductDisplay | Valid values are Grid, BulkOrdering, GridWithBulkOrdering, and BulkOrderingWithGrid. Specifies whether a category is displayed as a standard grid or as a bulk ordering form, and whether the other option is presented to the customer via a toggle. |
CategoryProducts (via $expand) | CategoryProduct | The collection of products that belong to the category. |