
A PaymentTransaction represents a payment transaction for an Order via your payment gateway.


IdintThe ID of the payment transaction.
OrderIdintThe ID of the order that the transaction belongs to.
Order (via $expand)OrderThe order that the transaction belongs to.
SubmitteddatetimeoffsetThe date/time the transaction was posted to the payment gateway.
TransactionIdstringThe transaction ID returned by the payment gateway, if applicable.
IsApprovedbooleanFlag that indicates whether the transaction was approved.
ResponseCodestringThe response code returned by the payment gateway, if applicable.
AuthCodestringThe authorization code returned by the payment gateway, if applicable.
MessagestringThe more verbose response from the payment gateway.
Amountdecimal(18,2)The amount authorized or captured.
TransactionTypestringThe type of transaction. Valid values include AuthOnly, AuthCapture, PriorAuthCapture, and Refund.
GatewaystringThe name of the payment gateway.
GatewayEnvironmentstringThe gateway environment used for the transaction. Valid values include Live and Sandbox.