
An Item represents a line item in an Order.


IdintThe ID of the item.
OrderIdintThe ID of the order that the item belongs to.
Order (via $expand)OrderThe order that the item belongs to.
StatusItemStatusThe status of the item. Values are Active, Pending Admin Approval, and Deleted.
ParentItemIdintThe ID of the parent item. This value will be null unless the item is a child item within a bundle.
ProductIdintThe ID of the item's product.
Product (via $expand)ProductThe item's product.
ProductVariantIdintThe ID of the item's product variant.
ProductVariant (via $expand)ProductVariantThe item's product variant.
OptionsstringA pipe-delimited list of options for the item. Options may include both fixed SKU options and customer-selected configuration options.
QuantityintThe quantity of the item.
BackorderedQuantityintThe quantity of the item that is not currently in stock.
BasePricedecimalThe base extended price of the item, in USD. This value does not include upcharges or discounts.
TotalPricedecimal(18,2)The total extended price of the item, in USD. This value includes upcharges. This value does not include discounts.
BaseCostdecimal(18,2)Your base extended cost for the item, in USD. This value does not include upcharges or discounts.
TotalCostdecimal(18,2)Your total extended cost of the item, in USD. This value includes upcharges. This value does not include discounts.
DiscountAmountdecimal(18,2)The discount applied to the item, in USD.
BudgetAmountdecimal(18,2)The budget amount applied to the item, in USD.
IsConfigurablebooleanFlag that indicates whether the item involves any type of configuration.
IsConfiguredbooleanFlag that indicates whether the item has been configured, as applicable.
ItemFields (via $expand)ItemFieldThe collection of fields for the item.
ItemFiles (via $expand)ItemFile arrayThe collection of files for the item.