An OrderApproval represents a pending or completed approval step for the order.
Name | Type | Description |
Id | int | The ID of the order approval. |
OrderId | int | The ID of the order that the order approval belongs to. |
Order (via $expand) | Order | The order that the order approval belongs to. |
Status | OrderApprovalStatus | The status of the order approval. Valid values are Pending, Sent, Approved, Declined, and Overridden. |
RuleId | int | The ID of the rule that triggered the order approval. |
Rule (via $expand) | Rule | The rule that triggered the order approval. |
SentDate | datetimeoffset | The date/time the order approval was sent. |
RecipientAdminId | int | The ID of the admin user that the order approval was sent to. |
RecipientAdmin (via $expand) | Admin | The admin user that the order approval was sent to. |
RecipientAccountRoleId | int | The ID of the account role whose members the order approval was sent to. |
RecipientAccountRole (via $expand) | AccountRole | The account role whose members the order approval was sent to. |
ActionDate | datetimeoffset | The date/time the order approval was acted on. |
ActingAdminId | int | The ID of the admin user that acted on the order approval. |
ActingAdmin (via $expand) | Admin | The admin user that acted on the order approval. |